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Inspection of the General Valuation Roll extended

May 14, 2024

Lekwa Local Municipality has extended the period for public inspection of the General Valuation Roll and lodging of objections. The Valuation Roll is for the financial years 01 July 2024 to 30 June 2028.

Property owners are encouraged to inspect the valuation roll and lodge an objection if necessary. The valuation roll is open until 14 June 2024.

The noticed issued by the municipality extending the period for inspection and lodging objections states:

“Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act, an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not
against the Valuation Roll as such.”

The valuation roll and objection forms are available at the municipal offices in Standerton, Sakhile and Morgenzon. They are also available on the municipal website: valuation/

All enquiries on the valuation roll and lodging objections must be directed to Mr. Arian Harmse on or 017 712 9661.

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