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Lekwa Local Municipality Arrested a Fraudulent Business License Issuer

Nov 20, 2024

On the 15th November 2024, Lekwa Local Municipality successfully apprehended a suspect involved in fraudulent activities targeting local businesses. The individual had been misrepresenting themselves as an official from the municipality and was offering to issue business licenses in exchange for a cash fee of R5,000.

The suspect was apprehended in the act of issuing one such fraudulent license in the Standerton Central Business District (CBD), following a tip-off received from the community. In collaboration with the SAPS, acted swiftly upon the information provided. Officials from the municipality, along with police officers, were able to locate the suspect while they were in the process of issuing a fraudulent certificate to a business owner. The individual was immediately detained and taken into custody at the Standerton Police Station for further questioning.

Lekwa Municipality would like to reassure the public that all legitimate business licenses are issued strictly in accordance with council-approved tariffs and procedures. The municipality is emphasizing that no official from Lekwa will ever charge a hard cash fee outside of these established rates.

The community is encouraged to be vigilant and help the municipality to report any suspicious activity related to business licensing. For any inquiries regarding issuing of business licenses, the public is urged to visit the Lekwa Local Municipality’s Local Economic Development (LED) offices, located in Sakhile. Alternatively, they can contact Mr. Robert Mkhabela, the LED Manager, at 017 712 9689.

This incident serves as a reminder to all local businesses to be cautious when dealing with any individuals or groups offering business services that seem unreasonably priced or unverified. The municipality remains committed to protecting its residents and businesses from fraud and will continue to monitor such activities closely.

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